Killin News

Advertising Rates

Advertising Costs and External Dimensions of Adverts Per Insertion
Help with the preparaton of adverts is available. Discuss with Joanna Goddard(07904 189873) or Pam Walsh (07471 351535)
or one of the production team.
Please send all images as jpg, pdf, tiff or psd. Format and file size can affect the quality of the reproduction.
As the paper is staffed by volunteers it is not manned regularly between issues.
The paper is staffed by volunteers the office is not manned regularly between issues but you can leave a message
on the office number 01567 820014.

 Black and White  
Single6.05cms(1 column width) X 7cms£17
Double12.55cms (2 columns wide) x 6.5cms £30
Double + Singleas above£44
Quarter 9 cms x 13.4 cms (Portrait only) £40
Half Page19.0cms x 13.4cms£75
Full Page19.0cms x 27.7cms (Portrait)£130
Single 6.05cms(1 column width) X 7cms£20
Double 12.55cms (2 columns wide) x 6.5cms£35
Double + Singleas above£55
Quarter9 cms x 13.4 cms (Portrait Only)£75
Half Page19.0cms x 13.4cms£100
Full Page19.0cms x 27.7cms (Portrait)£190
  Insertion of Flyers (printed by client) 
up to A4 (discuss with production team for larger sizes)   £75

About us

The Killin News is a free community newspaper produced and distributed FREE every two months by volunteers to households and businesses in Killin and district.
The aim of those involved is to produce an informative, accurate and
entertaining journal for those who live, work and visit in this area.


Letters and articles published in the newspaper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Production Committee and they reserve the right to shorten, edit or not publish any item.
Contributions will be attributed to the author.
Vested interests will be declared where applicable.
Articles should be between 200 and 300 words, photos in high quality and the content should be original work relevant to Killin and environs.

This website and its contents are copyright Killin News, designed and maintained by Liz Stevens.

Postal Address

Morenish Place,
Main Street,
FK21 8UR

01567 820014

Email Addresses

All personal emails are acknowledged by a reply.
If you do not receive a reply please contact us by phone
or drop the article in the office letterbox.

Editorial TeamAdvertising Team